One Lovely Blog Award

One Lovely Blog Award

Last week I got a wonderful surprise, we were nominated for “One Lovely Blog Award” by Erin and Sky!  We work hard trying to come up with ideas and posts that amuse us, erhm, I mean YOU guys, and to be appreciated is just such a treat!  So THANK YOU!

The “One Lovely Blog Award” gives us bloggers a chance to  1. Give much deserved recognition to our favorite blogs.  2. Share our favorite blogs with our readers (where we go to for inspiration and fun).  And 3, it gives the readers a few interesting tidbits about the people behind the blogs.

About the award: I did some searching around online, and the award is really not a nomination, as much as it is a recognition from your readers that you are appreciated – the nomination is the award, and vice verse.  Getting feedback like this is WHY we all blog, so I am just thrilled to get to be part of this!

Thank you to Erin of Erin and Sky for nominating me for this award.  You should absolutely take a look at her blog! She draws, designs, paints, scrapbooks, most of all is a fantastic crocheter – and self-admitted geek! Below is one of her wonderful hats!

Now on to the Seven Facts about Me:

(I am answering the questions below, since I am the admin and most frequent poster on the blog. But BIG GIANT THANKS and KUDOS to the guest-authors, contributors and muses: Jedi master Heidi, The Hubby, Master Builder Peter, M4P Mom, Amy and Gene Ha! THANKS GUYS! 

  1. This blog started as a learning tool.  I am designer for a living, and needed to learn more about integrating all the social media platforms, and what better way to learn than to do.  Turns out the blogging was so much fun, that I kept at it… and even enlisted a few people along the way.
  2. Believe it or not, there are things other than Star Wars I like 🙂
  3. I am a big movie buff, and watch way more than I probably should.  In no particular order, as of today, my favorite movies ever (this list changes depending on my mood): Sense and SensibilityRosencrantz and Guildenstern are DeadStar WarsThe Empire Strikes BackSchindler’s ListToy StoryMoonstruckThe AvengersChicagoThe King’s Speech.  Favorite movie of 2015: The Martian (Surprise!).  My favorite in 2014: Whiplash. (Note, if you asked what I think the BEST movies are, you would get a very different list – these are the ones I enjoy watching the most…)
  4. I am becoming more and more of a “tree hugger”.  I see what we are doing to this earth, and it terrifies me.  So we work hard at recycling, up-cycling, free-cycling, donating stuff instead of throwing it out, buying used and take/give hand-me-downs, as well as trying to conserve our resources (water, gas, electricity). And we are starting to really notice that more is not better – it is just more!
  5. I ADORE Opera.  The first time I got to go to the Met in New York, I was in tears throughout most of the performance.
  6. Our house is NOT decorated in all Star Wars decor, nor do we have crazy amounts of Star Wars gear.  Though I have to admit, I am wearing a Yoda T-shirt while writing this.
  7. Lastly, and most importantly, I am a Christian.  The most important part of our day is when, as a family, we sit down to pray.  God asks us to love our neighbors and to continually try to make the world a better place.  So with that, we pray that we do not “throw stones”, but live with love and are good stewards of this earth.

My Nominees are (in Random Order):

  1. The St{Art} Button
  2. The Midi-Chlorian Center
  3. Eurobricks Star Wars Forum
  4. Gabbing Geek 
  5. Geek Crafts 
  6. Fashionably Geek
  7. Kitchen Overlord
  8. Man vs. Pink
  9. The Wookiee Gunner
  10. The Pea Green Boat
  11. Blondsaurus
  12. We Geek Girls
  13. Star Wars Anonymous
  14. Confused Kitty
  15. ManMade

For you “Nominees” on the above list; the Rules are as Follows:

  1. Thank the person that nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Display the award on your post of the award.
  4. List seven facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and comment on one of their posts to let them know you have nominated them.

If I could add a #6, I would add: make sure you visit the links of you fellow nominees – I know you will find some amazing stuff there, maybe even a new favorite blog!

2 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Great favorite movie list! I loved Whiplash. It literally took my breath away at points and the Martian was amazing. I’m really looking forward to looking through your list of nominees. 🙂


    • I hope you enjoy them! I have a very diverse movie taste, so there ended up being a bit of everything on the list: Rom-Coms, Animation, Action, Indie movies as well as “Critics'” favorites. And I am pretty lucky, the Hubby has a VERY similar (and diverse) taste, so we hardly ever argue about what movies to watch. (Though he would definitely put the Lord of the Rings series in there too – and absolutely remove Moonstruck.) The best movies we have seen recently are Mad Max:Fury Road and Trainwreck.


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