Maz Kanata’s Romanesco Apple Bacon Quiche

    Maz Kanata’s Romanesco Apple Bacon Quiche / Check out our blog for lots of Star Wars Party food recipes and downloadable labels! Great for a Birthday Party or a May the Fourth be with you Party. / #starwars #starwarsparty #theforceawakens #maythefourthbewithyou #starwarsbirthday #starwarsfood #quiche #romanesco #mazkanata #maz #rey #takodana #apple #bacon #recipe /

“Roma-what?”, I asked for the second time.  M4P friend Mary Beth had to say it 3 times before I got it,  “R-O-M-A-N-E-S-C-O!  You know, that green fractal cauliflower that Rey eats at Maz Kanata’s place in The Force Awakens.”

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Ultimate “May the Fourth be with You” Party Menu!

Poe’Boy X-Wing Sandwich with Sweet Poe-tato Fries

Poe’boy X-Wing Sandwich with Sweet Poe-tato Fries / Check out our blog for lots of Star Wars Party food recipes and downloadable labels! Great ideas for a Birthday Party or a May the Fourth be with you Party. / #starwars #starwarsparty #maythefourthbewithyou #maythe4thbe withyou #starwarsbirthday #starwarsfood #poe #poedameron #xwing #oscarisaac #poboy #sandwich #foodart #recipe #theforceawakens #xwingpilot #xwing #shrimp #fries #downloadble #sub /

Poe Dameron is a flashy, spectacular pilot with a smile that can melt any glacier on Hoth.  So when we where trying to figure out a Poe-themed food for our Star Wars Party in a couple of weeks, we needed something that was worthy of his pizzazz.  A Po’boy might sound too humble, but I assure you it is anything but!

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Jar Jar’s “Mesa” Soup (Miso Soup)

Jar Jar Mesa (Miso) Soup / Check out our blog for lots of Star Wars Party food recipes and downloadable labels! Great ideas for a Birthday Party or a May the Fourth be with you Party. / #starwars #starwarsparty #maythefourthbewithyou #starwarsbirthday #starwarsfood #jarjar #jarjarbinks #mesa #miso #misosoup #foodart #recipe #soup #revengeofthesith #attackoftheclones #tofu #seaweed #yoda #lighsaber #chopsticks /

Actual conversation in our house, the day The Force Awakens opened…

My 4-year-old son (dressed in Darth Vader jacket):  Yoda!!! Darth Vader is Hungry!!!!!!
Me (wearing my Yoda hat):  What would Darth Vader like to eat?
My son:  I dunno what Darth Vader eats, but Jar Jar eats Mesa soup.

I really wish I could take credit for that joke.  I wish I could take credit for coming up with “Mesa soup“.  But alas, my 4-year-old son, came up with both all by himself.  I have to say I was a pretty proud.

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Yoda’s Rootleaf Stew

Star Wars Food: Yoda Stew (Rootleaf Stew) /// Check out our blog for lots of Star Wars Party food recipes and downloadable labels! Great for a Birthday Party or a May the Fourth be with you Party. /// #starwars #starwarsparty #maythefourthbewithyou #starwarsbirthday #starwarsfood #stew #yoda

Eat, eat. Hot. Good food, hm? Good, hmm?  Turns out, despite all his fancy Jedi abilities, Yoda needs some lovin’ and kind words, just like the rest of us.  Make the M4P version of his stew and you’ll gets lots of both!

Now, there is an officially sanctioned Star Wars version of Rootleaf Stew.  Do you remember the radio dramatization of the trilogy?  NPR actually hired a famous chef to create a recipe as part of the promotion for the Empire Strikes Back. We haven’t tried that recipe yet, but once we do, I will take pictures and post them.