Ultimate “May the Fourth be with You” Party Menu!

Stormtroopers are Cheesy! (Molded Cheese Stormtrooper Helmets)

One of the biggest complaints about the original Star Wars trilogy is that the Stormtroopers can’t shoot.  No, let me take that back, they can shoot… they just couldn’t hit the side of a barn if their lives depended on it (which, of course, it often does).  Looking back though, it is also one of the (many) things that makes the series so fun and special.

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The Force Awakens Cosplay Sketches

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Review of the LEGO® Millennium Falcon, Set 75105

Star Wars Millennium Facon Lego set 75105 Review/// We add new Star Wars gift ideas to our blog every week! /// Star Wars #lego #starwars #theforceawakens #millenniumfalcon #legominifigs #starwarslego #hansolo #rey #chewbacca #bb8 #finn #Kanjiklub /// maythefourthbewithyoupartyblog.com

I am still processing the movie… so more on that in a different post.   Instead, today we are thrilled to share M4P guest writer and LEGO® “Master Builder” Peter Guenther‘s review of the ship whose appearance in The Force Awakens made me squeal with joy.  Take it away Peter…

The Force Awakens, LEGO®  has released a new version of the Millennium Falcon, set 75105.  Weighing in at an impressive 1329 pieces (plus a few extras, just in case), six minifigures plus a droid, and a price tag of $149.99, is this set worth the investment?

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